Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I have the absolute luxury of my dear friend Ashley (the Travel Agent) that sends me live updates of ridiculous travel deals throughout my workday - and for the most part I just stay seated in my ergonomically sound office chair, and let out a little sigh, dreaming of one day being able to travel the world freely.

So, we decided to jump at the chance for $480 round-trip tickets to Italy! We flew from Phoenix to Rome (after a lovely stint in Detroit) and 14 short hours later, we were sipping red wine in a dainty and perfect trattoria. We stayed for seven whirlwind days, and went from Rome to Florence, Venice and back, and it was truly unforgettable.

Day 1: Straight from the plane, to the Mercedes travel van (they don't mess around here - most of the cabs were luxury brands) and after a brief stop at the hotel, off to the Colosseum! Known as the greatest success of Roman architecture & engineering - although I was half-asleep from the plane ride it was still as impressive as ever. We paid 5 euro outside the walls, and got a quick walking tour along with a cut in line! In the evening, we were all on our own for dinner. Many of us bought pizza and beer from a street vendor. They cut their pizza with a pair of scissors - genius! And, the best pizza I have ever tasted. We came back to this spot several times.

Here is a picture of our hotel patio - which connected the two rooms we were staying in. I could sit on that patio and talk to these people forever. The two ladies in the background (good friends Jacque and Anne) had just found a litter of kittens tucked away in the high planter.

Day 2: Hopped on the Roma metro subway - which is 2 euro for the entire day (what a deal - but during commuting times is absolutely PACKED) and headed to Vatican City. There are very few pre-paid adventures we went on this trip, but this was one of them. I suggest you research the type of tour that intrigues you - with the vastness that is Vatican City it is impossible to comprehend alone!

Breathtaking, awesome, infinite, powerful, bursting with history - Vatican City is a place I will remember for the rest of my life. Everywhere I turned, there was intricate detail. The heaviness that I felt walking through those hallways was such an interesting feeling - knowing that hundreds of years has passed through these walls, and the stories and culture derived from this place, it is worth seeing once in your life. We briskly walked a 5 k tour, my only suggestion is wear comfortable shoes!

We went through St. Peter's Square, the Spanish steps, and ate dinner right by the Trevi Fountain (after we through a coin in it for good luck, romance, and a promised return to Roma).

Day 3: Woke up early, took the Metro subway to the train station to begin our journey to Florence. Not going to lie, after walking nearly 10+ miles throughout Rome, it felt great to sit down! This was a short, scenic two-hour ride through the Tuscan countryside. We opted for first-class tickets (which allows you to keep your luggage with you - instead of stowing it in another cabin) which was $24 increase - WELL worth it!
Stay tuned - in my next entry, I will cover our wine tour, the flea market, and more!

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